About us
CISM Vice-President Europe
Dear Guests and European member nations of the Conseil International Du Sport Militaire (CISM), welcome to CISM Europe.
Europe is the Center of gravity of CISM, this prestigious International Sports Organization that you created and which you have supported and continue to support the growth. Therefore, Europe has a primary role to play in the life of CISM, in spite of important changes we have to face. CISM is the leading Military Sport Organization with the ideal platform where all Armed Forces around the World will meet in order to promote Friendship, Solidarity and Peace, through Sports.
Furthermore, we have set ourselves the goal, our injured soldiers who were permanently injured during a mission or were injured in another service for the armed forces are to be integrated in our CISM family.
Let us all work together towards a peaceful future and live our motto „Friendship through Sport“ within our organization.
With the hope for our common future and our common goals, I remain
sincerely yours
Dirk Schwede
Colonel (GS)
Vice President for Europe
CISM European Liaison Office
The CISM European Liaison Office is single point of contact for all member countries inside europe. We lead and coordinate the cooperation of the european members to each other, between the continental offices and to the CISM Headquarter in Brussels. We edit and publish news, innovations and changes at european level. The office consists of a Chief of the Office, an editor and an IT specialist.
Captain Jörg Probst
Chief European Liaison Office
Master Sergeant Niklas Rösen
IT Specialist
History of CISM
Everything about the history of CISM can be found here